13–15 Mar 2023
ul. DOBRA 55, Warszawa
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Submission deadline: 10 December 2023 @23:59 London time = 11 December 2023 @00:59 Warsaw time

What criteria will be used by your reviewers to evaluate submissions?
1. Relevance to the conference themes (10 points): Does the paper's topic is relevant to ICA Regional Conference 2024 areas?
2. Documentation of sources/background information/literature review (10 points): Does the paper demonstrate an adequate understanding of the relevant literature in the field? Does it include references to well-known and current studies on the topic under discussion?
3. Methodology (10 points): Is the paper's argument built on an appropriate base of theory, concepts, or other ideas? Do the methods of data collection and analysis are relevant to the research problem?
4. Analysis/Logic of argumentation (10 points): Are results presented clearly and analyzed appropriately? Do empirical findings adequately tie together with the main idea of the article and/or theoretical background? Are the conclusions or findings justified?
5. Originality (10 points): Does the paper contribute or complement the state of knowledge? Does it introduce outstanding and original ideas? Does it clearly identify any implications for research, practice and/or society?
6. Format (completeness, language and style) (10 points): Does it contain all the required elements? Is it well-organized and well-written, or does it need formal editing?

Overall recommendation:
• Accepted
• Rejected
• Suggested as a poster

Abstract guidelines
Maximum of 1,500 words. Title page, abstract, figures, tables, and references are not counted against the page limit.

The call for abstracts is closed.